The Challenge, hosted by Lorelei Eurto: Group #1 was for Components/Pendants/Beads - Participants will create by hand (no store bought beads/components please) 11 beads or components and for 11 days, then we open each component, and chronicle gifted beads on our blogs. Group #2 was for G eneral G ifts- Since we all love handmade gifts, Lorelei suggest participants make these gifts by hand, but they can be in any genre you like. Ornaments, Jewelry, prints, potholders, whatever you desire! Be creative and give gifts that you would love to receive yourself. Eleven (11) people (per group) were randomly chosen to participate and Lorelei Eurto , is in each group. Low and behold, my name came up for Group 1! Now I have to make handmade beads or components for 11 people. What was I thinking? I love challenges? I visited the blogs of my fellow Group 1 members, and wouldn't you know, most of them make gorgeous la...